Week 8: AI in Ads

 All You Need to Know About Internet Cookies & Your Security

Week 8: AI in Ads

Have you ever been talking to your friend about a topic and possibly even googled something and now this topic is all over your social media and you are seeing ads for it everywhere? This is another form of AI. Websites uses tools called cookies to collect data about what you are looking at, for how long and if you are returning to the website or a certain item. 

The more you use your computer the more it will get to know you. For instance if you online shop a lot you will gets ads on your social media or even in your email for stores you look at regularly. You will even see the specific items you have looked at on your feed.  If you look up a lot of recipes you will get ads for cook books and cooking supplies. 

This is one way companies use AI to market themselves. To be honest this tactic has worked on me more than once because the more times the item has popped up the more I think about it and convince myself I need it. AI is used is all around us whether we know it or not!


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