
Showing posts from September, 2023

Week 5: How to learn about AI according to ChatGPT

 Week 5: How to learn about AI according to ChatGPT After using the prompt, "If I wanted to learn about artificial intelligence where do I start?, this is what ChatGPT responded.   Learning about artificial intelligence (AI) is an exciting journey, and there are several steps you can take to get started. Here's a roadmap to help you begin your AI learning journey: Understand the Basics: Start with the fundamentals of AI. Understand what AI is, its history, and its various subfields, such as machine learning and deep learning. Mathematics and Statistics: AI heavily relies on mathematics and statistics. You should have a solid foundation in algebra, calculus, probability, and statistics. Linear algebra is particularly important for machine learning. Programming Skills: Learn a programming language. Python is widely used in AI because of its extensive libraries and ease of use. Familiarize yourself with libraries like NumPy, pandas, and Matplotlib. Machine Learning: Begin with t

Week 5: AI in the Military

   Week 5: AI in the Military  Artificial intelligence is slowly being integrated into all aspects of our lives. From online customer service and education to production purposes and automation of jobs, AI is everywhere. Have you considered how AI is starting to affect our military? Prior to computers and satellites all jobs of the military were done manually. There were teams of people sitting around discussing strategy and what would be best.   We now are able to use AI to help us with strategy and even helping us use our satellite more efficiently. AI is able to sort through satellite images at a speed no human could manually obtain. This could be helpful when looking for wanted individuals as well as soldiers who have been taken captive that we are trying to save. Using AI for strategy purposes will help us sort through options to find the most beneficial path. This could help our military during times of high pressure.  According to author Paul Scharre, AI is currently being used

Week 4: AI and Baking

Week 4: AI and Baking According to LinkedIn the five most in demand jobs are commis chef, baker, artificial intelligence engineer, research and development engineer, and service officer. Bakers have become more in demand due to businesses reopening after covid shut downs. Another reason bakers are more in demand is because just like technology baking has evolved and more people are looking for specialty items. Such as gluten free bread, Ezekiel bread and specialty cakes. These items can not be found in stores so people turn to local bakeries.  It is obvious why artificial intelligence engineers are in much higher demand and that is because AI has become more popular. AI is also being implemented in more and more jobs so it is crucial there are people who know what to do with the AI. The need for this position will continue to rise.  Artificial Intelligence can actually be used in the baking process. In baking it is very important that all your measurements are exact. In most local bake

Week 4: Anything worth doing, is worth doing poorly.

  Week 4: Anything worth doing, is worth doing poorly. Procrastination and the inability to start are something we are all guilty of doing at some point. Whether it is a school assignment like writing a paper, cleaning your house or starting to clean your house finding random items that distract you and playing with those instead of continuing to clean your house. We have all done it. It can be hard to take that first step at completing a task or learning a new skill. One of my favorite quotes that helps motivate me is, "Anything worth doing, is worth doing poorly".  This quote can be taken a lot of different ways but the way I look at it is even if I am doing something poorly at least I started. I recently started running and I have always highly disliked running because I am bad at it but I decided even if I am the slowest person or can't go more than a mile I am going to try. Now I am running up to four miles with ease all because I decided being bad is not the end of

Week 3: AI and Medicine

  Week 3 Alex, a three year old boy, began experiencing intense pain that led to him not being able to play with other children and function as a normal kid. He went to numerous doctors who could not pin point the source of the pain and did not have long term solutions for Alex. Alex had other symptoms such as stunted growth, exhaustion and teeth grinding.  The family became desperate for a solution so Alex's mother turned to ChatGPT as an act of desperation. To her surprise she found a solution. Alex's mom took the diagnosis from ChatGPT and began doing her own research. She talked with other families and their stories sounded very similar. She made an appointment with a neurosurgeon who confirmed the diagnosis and was able to help a now 6 year old Alex.  This story is just one example of why AI is so important. This family went to 17 different doctors and was not able to find relief for their son. This is not because those 17 doctors were incompetent or bad at their job. They

Week 3: AI and the Job Market

Week 3 In our text Surfing the Tsunami , we are encouraged to acknowledge that AI will in fact effect our lives. Whether you are an optimist, a pessimist or a realist you have to acknowledge change is happening from AI. Automation has been affecting jobs for decades. The image above is from the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Charlies dad once worked at a toothpaste factory where he worked on the lids of the containers. He was let go due to a machine taking his position. We see and hear this happening time and time again but with the new increases of AI will more jobs be lost?  We know AI is changing the job market drastically but not all of it is bad. While automating jobs can be seen as a negative we also need to look at some of the positives. AI can help reduce human error, increase efficiency and keep some factories running around the clock which will help with production rates. It is estimated that 300 million jobs are at risk but at the same time we will need an increasi

Week 2: AI and the Future of Learning

Week 2 I am currently completing the dual masters program at Benedictine University for Public Health and Business Administration. One thought I have with AI is how it will affect learning in the future. Until last year we did not have Chat GPT or any tools as easy to use to help us study. Now I have experienced heavier proctoring on exams and more instructions telling us to not use Chat GPT on exams and homework in order to prevent cheating.  With not being able to use Chat GPT in the past you were forced to do a little bit more work. Now students could type word problems into the app and are given an answer that shows exactly how the problem is solved. You can even feed Chat GPT chapters of a book and ask it to summarize the data.  While this can be beneficial in some scenarios it can also be used as a crutch for students. It is now common for young kids to be supplied an iPad or laptop through their school to do classes and homework on. I am curious to see if Chat GPT will be block

Week 2: Self Driving Vehicles

 Week 2 Self driving vehicles or vehicles with assisted driving are becoming more and more common. Companies such as Google, Tesla and Waymo are the most commonly heard brand names. Other companies such as Toyota, General Motors, Vovlo and BMW all have assisted driving cars. These cars require you to still drive but will have settings to help you stay within lanes and will even help turn the car for you.  In my 2020 Toyota Rav 4 there is driving assist and I have found it to be extremely inconvenient. This car uses sensors and cameras to see the lines on the roads but when the lines are not perfect the car has a tendency to jerk around and the ride becomes unpleasant. While I use the car I turn this feature off but my husband loves this feature.                          I think in the future as technology keeps advancing self driving or assisted driving vehicles can help decrease crashes and some human error. I also think these features will keep individually who should not be driving

Week 1: Experiences with AI

    Week 1 AI has become an increasing trend in everyone's day to day lives. While I have had limited experience in my professional career with AI, my personal life has been affected. In chapter one of Surfing the Tsunami , we can see how manufacturing needs have slowly been transformed by AI and we can see an increased interest in machine learning.  Some of the personal experiences I have with AI are things such as buying a PS5, concert tickets and data graphic cards. If you're a Taylor Swift fan like myself you either experienced or heard of the issues Ticketmaster faced with bots. The second tickets went on sale a large portion of tickets were unknowingly sold to bots, which were then resold to people for higher prices. Ticketmaster's site continuously crashed due to the overwhelming volume of bots and Swifties trying to obtain tickets. Bots have been around for years and while people learn to combat them new ones are constantly being created.  I believe AI is shaping ou

Week 1: The Rise of Chat GPT

  Week 1 Chat GPT, or Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer has rapidly evolved into the most used AI application. Chat GPT launched in November of 2022 and has changed how the working class, students and day to day people function. In just two months Chat GPT had over 100 million users. This could be due to the accessibility of this application and the affordable pricing. It was originally launched for people to use for free and as it has grown you can pay for a better experience.  This application began being developed in 2018 by a research company called OpenAI. Once released in 2022 people began using it for just about anything you can imagine. It has been used for education, marketing, social media, planning and so much more.  Personally I have used Chat GPT to help reword emails and newsletters, help plan trips, and ask to help simplify complex issues. The term AI was coined in the 1950's but we have never seen it used at such a mass scale. Chat GPT can hold what seems like