Week 4: Anything worth doing, is worth doing poorly.

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Week 4: Anything worth doing, is worth doing poorly.

Procrastination and the inability to start are something we are all guilty of doing at some point. Whether it is a school assignment like writing a paper, cleaning your house or starting to clean your house finding random items that distract you and playing with those instead of continuing to clean your house. We have all done it. It can be hard to take that first step at completing a task or learning a new skill. One of my favorite quotes that helps motivate me is, "Anything worth doing, is worth doing poorly". 

This quote can be taken a lot of different ways but the way I look at it is even if I am doing something poorly at least I started. I recently started running and I have always highly disliked running because I am bad at it but I decided even if I am the slowest person or can't go more than a mile I am going to try. Now I am running up to four miles with ease all because I decided being bad is not the end of the world. Being bad leaves room for improvement but not trying at all leaves you forever stuck at being bad.

Learning any skill is just like me and running. You will not start to learn something and immediately be great at it. Technology and AI are continuously evolving and changing and we have to start to learn it. It is okay if we start trying to learn a new technology and don't get it right away. The people that start are doing infinitely better than the people who have not.  Being bad at something is not the end of the world because we know have a basis of where we are at and know what we need to improve on. 

 I have attached a YouTube video I love on this topic. Feel free to watch! 

Jordan Peterson - Start By Doing It Badly!



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